๐๏ธ Manual Quick Start Steps
This document outlines the manual production ready steps to install Ratify with Gatekeeper in admission control scenarios. Please refer to the README.MD for recommended install steps.
๐๏ธ Ratify on Azure
Signing container images ensure their authenticity and integrity. By deploying only signed images on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), you can ensure that the images come from a trusted origin and have not been altered since they were created.
๐๏ธ Ratify with AWS Signer
This guide will explain how to get started with Ratify on AWS using EKS, ECR, and AWS Signer. This will involve setting up necessary AWS resources, installing necessary components, and configuring them properly. Once everything is set up we will walk through a simple scenario of verifying the signature on a container image at deployment time.
๐๏ธ Ratify with Venafi CodeSign Protect
This guide will explain how to get started with Ratify and the Venafi CodeSign Protect notation plugin. This will involve setting up the necessary components, and configuring them properly. Once everything is set up we will walk through a simple scenario of verifying the signature on a container image at deployment time.
๐๏ธ Install Ratify for High Availability
Feature status: Experimental.
๐๏ธ Creating Plugins
Ratify supports plugins for stores and verifiers so that users can add capabilities that aren't included in the core application. This document is a guide on creating your own plugins.
๐๏ธ Developer getting started
The intent of this document is to be a high level quick start guide to get up and running quickly. For a more in depth review on configuration please see CONTRIBUTING.MD.
๐๏ธ Gatekeeper Policy Authoring
Ratify can be deployed behind admission
๐๏ธ Ratify CLI
This document provides a walkthrough on how to use the ratify command line to verify a sample image.
๐๏ธ Ratify on Alibaba Cloud
This guide will explain how to get up and running with Ratify on Alibaba Cloud using Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) and Alibaba Cloud Container Registry (ACR). This will involve setting up necessary Alibaba Cloud resources, installing necessary components, and configuring them properly. Once everything is set up we will walk through a simple scenario of verifying the signature on a container image at deployment time.
๐๏ธ Ratify on AWS
This guide will explain how to get up and running with Ratify on AWS using EKS and ECR. This will involve setting up necessary AWS resources, installing necessary components, and configuring them properly. Once everything is set up we will walk through a simple scenario of verifying the signature on a container image at deployment time.
๐๏ธ Working with SPDX
SPDX is a popular specification for representing software bill of material (SBoM) information. Once an SBoM has been