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Version: 1.4

SBOM Validation

This document outlines how Ratify can be used to verify SBOM (Software bill of material). The sbom verifier is added as a plugin to the Ratify verification framework. Currently the SBOM verifier is in 2.0.0-alpha release, and it supports the following SBOM validation:

  • SBOM attached to the subject image as a referrer artifact
  • SBOM generated in JSON(.spdx.json) format

Table of Contents

SBOM with License and Package Validation

Alice has a Kubernetes cluster. The software she deploys to her cluster depends on many open source components. She wants to make sure container images meet the following criteria:

  • does not contain licenses that could conflict with her business interest
  • does not contain any vulnerable packages


1. Generate SBOM and attach to your image

Use a SBOM generator such as syft to generate an SBOM for your iamge A reference artifact is generated:

  1. Use syft to scan and save the output file
    syft -o spdx-json --file sbom.spdx.json
  2. A tool such as oras is used to package, attach, and then push the report to registry
    • artifact-type MUST be application/spdx+json
    oras attach \
    --artifact-type application/spdx+json \ \

The resulting image will have a single SBOM artifact attached:

> oras discover -o tree
└── application/spdx+json
└── sha256:6944ae19f248ed93a494c528a839d3eac4c33df6ca81d6f762a0483af8b2b87f

2. Ratfy Installation and configuration

First, follow the first step of the manual quickstart to installs Gatekeeper on the cluster.

Second, install Ratify and configure the SBOM verifier with disallowed license and package information. In the configuration below, Alice specifies busybox as a disallowed package as it leads arbitrary code execution. Copy left license such as MPL is also disallowed due to license restrictions.

helm repo add ratify
helm install ratify \
ratify/ratify --atomic \
--namespace gatekeeper-system \
--set featureFlags.RATIFY_CERT_ROTATION=true \
--set sbom.enabled=true \
--set sbom.disallowedLicenses={"MPL"} \
--set sbom.disallowedPackages[0].name="busybox" \
--set sbom.disallowedPackages[0].version="1.36.1-r0"

Third, deploy a demo constraint.

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

3. Deploying test image

Finally we will attempt to deploy our test image We expect this to FAIL since the SBOM contains disallowed packages busybox:

> kubectl run alpine-image -n default, the output
Error from server (Forbidden): admission webhook "" denied the request: Subject failed verification:

Taking a look at the Ratify logs reveals the failing report:

> kubectl logs deploy/ratify -n gatekeeper-system
time=2023-12-07T20:02:17.238355853Z level=info msg=verify result for subject {
"verifierReports": [
"subject": "",
"isSuccess": false,
"name": "verifier-sbom",
"message": "SBOM validation failed.",
"extensions": {
"creationInfo": {
"created": "2023-12-07T19:22:42.448010842Z",
"creators": [
"Organization: Anchore, Inc",
"Tool: syft-0.36.0"
"licenseListVersion": "3.15"
"packageViolations": [
"License": "GPL-2.0-only",
"Name": "busybox",
"Version": "1.36.1-r0"
"License": "GPL-2.0-only",
"Name": "busybox-binsh",
"Version": "1.36.1-r0"
"artifactType": "application/spdx+json"

SBOM with Signature Validation

Alice has a Kubernetes cluster. The software she deploys to her cluster depends on many open source components. She wants to make sure container images meet the following criteria:

  • does not contain licenses that could conflict with her business interest
  • does not contain any vulnerable packages

Furthermore, the most recent report being validated must have a verified Notary Project signature attached to it.


First, follow the first step of the manual quickstart to install Gatekeeper.

Second, install Ratify with the SBOM verifier enabled and configured. The SBOM verifier must also be configured and cert provided. Here, we will assume the report is signed using the quickstart image's signing key.

Third, deploy a demo constraint.

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
helm repo add ratify
# download the notary verification certificate
curl -sSLO
helm install ratify \
ratify/ratify --atomic \
--namespace gatekeeper-system \
--set featureFlags.RATIFY_CERT_ROTATION=true \
--set-file notationCerts={./notation.crt} \
--set sbom.enabled=true \
--set sbom.notaryProjectSignatureRequired=true \
--set sbom.disallowedLicenses={"MPL"} \
--set sbom.disallowedPackages[0].name="busybox" \
--set sbom.disallowedPackages[0].version="1.36.1-r0"

1. Generate, sign the SBOM and attach to your image

Use a sbom generator such as syft to generate an sbom for your iamge A reference artifact is generated:

  1. Use syft to scan and save the output file

    syft -o spdx-json --file sbom.spdx.json
  2. A tool such as oras is used to package, attach, and then push the report to registry

    • artifact-type MUST be application/spdx+json
    oras attach \
    --artifact-type application/spdx+json \ \
  3. Use notation to sign the report

    report_digest=$(oras discover -o json | jq .manifests[0].digest | tr -d \")
    notation sign$report_digest

The resulting image will have a single sbom artifact attached with Notary Project signature attached:

> oras discover -o tree
└── application/spdx+json
└── sha256:6944ae19f248ed93a494c528a839d3eac4c33df6ca81d6f762a0483af8b2b87f
└── application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature
└── sha256:3ed4d26f01c6dc5b410e2370031d2222dd27f1cfa16fca74dff2966f9bac9df9

Finally we will attempt to deploy our test image We expect this to FAIL since our package busybox is not allowed.

"isSuccess": true,
"verifierReports": [
"subject": "",
"isSuccess": false,
"name": "verifier-sbom",
"message": "SBOM validation failed.",
"extensions": {
"creationInfo": {
"created": "2023-12-07T19:22:42.448010842Z",
"creators": [
"Organization: Anchore, Inc",
"Tool: syft-0.36.0"
"licenseListVersion": "3.15"
"packageViolations": [
"License": "GPL-2.0-only",
"Name": "busybox",
"Version": "1.36.1-r0"
"License": "GPL-2.0-only",
"Name": "busybox-binsh",
"Version": "1.36.1-r0"
"nestedResults": [
"subject": "",
"isSuccess": true,
"name": "notation",
"message": "signature verification success",
"extensions": {
"Issuer": ",O=Notary,L=Seattle,ST=WA,C=US",
"SN": ",O=Notary,L=Seattle,ST=WA,C=US"
"artifactType": "application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature"
"artifactType": "application/spdx+json"


Sample YAML

kind: Verifier
name: verifier-sbom
name: sbom
artifactTypes: application/spdx+json
- name: busybox
version: 1.36.1-r0
NameRequiredPathDescriptionDefault Value
disallowedPackagesNospec.parameters.disallowedPackagesArray of disallowed packages. If version is empty, all packages with matching name will be disallowed.[]
disallowedLicensesNospec.parameters.disallowedLicensesString array of disallowed licenses.[]


Sample JSON

"store": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"plugins": [
"name": "oras",
"useHttp": true
"policy": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"plugin": {
"name": "configPolicy",
"artifactVerificationPolicies": {
"application/spdx+json": "all"
"verifier": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"plugins": [
"name": "sbom",
"artifactTypes": "application/spdx+json",
"disallowedLicenses": ["MPL"],

Future Improvements

Please vote on these issues to help us prioritize:


Why are there multiple external verifiers that can verify SBOMs?

These verifiers are authored by various contributors to fit their project need. The license checker implements a strict validation against the allowed licenses list, where as the SBOM verifier works against a disallowed license and package list.

The licensechecker verifier has been DEPRECATED and will be removed in future releases. Please use the SBOM verifier for license checks moving forward. Package license verification is associated typically with SBOMs. As such, Ratify has decided to incorporate package license filtering in SBOM verification.