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Version: 1.2

Troubleshoot Notation Verifier Errors

If an image verification failed for some reason, please check the logs in Ratify pod to inspect the related error logs.

Below is an example of a result log that occurs when Notation verifier fails to verify an image.

"verifierReports": [
"subject": "",
"referenceDigest": "sha256:57be2c1c3d9c23ef7c964bba05c7aa23b525732e9c9af9652654ccc3f4babb0e",
"artifactType": "application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature",
"verifierReports": [
"isSuccess": false,
"message": "Original Error: (Original Error: (artifact \"\" has no applicable trust policy. Trust policy applicability for a given artifact is determined by registryScopes. To create a trust policy, see:, Error: verify signature failure, Code: VERIFY_PLUGIN_FAILURE, Plugin Name: notation, Component Type: verifier, Documentation:, Detail: failed to verify signature of digest), Error: verify reference failure, Code: VERIFY_PLUGIN_FAILURE, Plugin Name: notation, Component Type: verifier",
"name": "notation",
"extensions": null
"nestedReports": []

Users can investigate the root cause of the Notation verifier by checking the message field of each failed verifierReport. The error message could be a nested error. The Notation error is the most inner error, e.g. artifact \"\" has no applicable trust policy. Trust policy applicability for a given artifact is determined by registryScopes. To create a trust policy, see: in the above example.

Since the other levels of the error are always the same, this TSG focuses on different errors returned by Notation verifier.

Debugging Commands

To inspect the Notation verifier configuration, please use kubectl describe or kubectl get command to retrieve it.

kubectl describe


kubectl get -o yaml

Scenario 1

artifact URI [uri] could not be parsed, make sure it is the fully qualified OCI artifact URI without the scheme/protocol. e.g

Cause and Solution

The provided reference URI doesn't contain character @ which is required by Notation verifier. Please check the reference URI and make sure it is in the correct format.

Check documentation for more details.

Scenario 2

registry scope [scope] is not valid, make sure it is a fully qualified repository without the scheme, protocol or tag. For example or a local scope like local/myOCILayout


registry scope [scope] with wild card(s) is not valid, make sure it is a fully qualified repository without the scheme, protocol or tag. For example or a local scope like local/myOCILayout

Cause and Solution

Please inspect the registryScope in TrustPolicy of Notation Verifier CR and make sure it is correct by using the debugging commands.

Check documentation for more details.

Scenario 3

artifact [uri] has no applicable trust policy. Trust policy applicability for a given artifact is determined by registryScopes. To create a trust policy, see:

Cause and Solution

Notation verifier cannot find a trust policy matching the given artifact reference. Please check if the registryScope of trust policy is correctly set up. Run the debugging commands to get the Notation veifier configuration.

Check documentation for more details.

Scenario 4

signature is not produced by a trusted signer

Cause and Solution

The signature’s SignerInfo does not match any certificate in the trust store. Please ensure that the correct certificate is configured in the trust store to verify the signature. Additionally, double-check that the trust policy specifies the correct trust store.

Check documentation to see how to verify the authenticity.

Scenario 5

digital signature has expired on [timestamp]

Cause and Solution

The signature has expired. Please re-sign the image.

Scenario 6

signing certificate with subject [subject] is revoked

Cause and Solution

The certificate used to sign the image has been revoked. Please re-sign the image with a valid certificate.

Scenario 7

error while parsing the certificate subject from the digital signature. error : [error message]

Cause and Solution

This error usually occurs when the certificate subject of a certificate from the signature is invalid. Please check the error message for specific error. The subject MUST follow RFC 4514 DN syntax.

Scenario 8

error while loading the trust store, [error message]

Cause and Solution

This error usually occurs when the trust store is not configured correctly. Please check the error message for specific error.

Check Trust Policy and Trust Store specs for more details.