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Ratify v1.2.0 is available!

· 3 min read

We are thrilled to announce the release of Ratify v1.2.0!

Ratify is a verification framework that ensures all supply chain artifacts stored in a registry are thoroughly vetted and trustworthy. By integrating Ratify into your Kubernetes workflow, you can protect your deployment pipeline from potential threats and vulnerabilities, significantly enhancing the overall security of your applications.

Read on to discover the exciting new features and how they can benefit you!

Key Features and Decprecations

Key features in this release include:

  • Cosign Verifier Enhancements
  • Kubernetes Multi-Tenancy Support
  • Key Management Provider
  • OCI 1.1 support


  • CertificateStore is deprecated in favor of KeyManagementProvider (KMP). Please migrate to KeyManagementProvider by following guide here. Support will be removed in Ratify v2.0.0

A brand new Cosign experience!

Starting in v1.2.0, Ratify now has more comprehensive Cosign verification capabilities.

Verification of Cosign signatures is a critical validation. As such, the Cosign verifier is now a built-in verifier along with the Notation verifier. Beyond first class support, the Cosign verifier introduces a Trust Policy which binds a particular set of verification settings to a certain registry scope. Now, it's possible to specify multiple trust policies based on your registry, namespace, and/or image.

Cosign verification also includes a robust key experience that integrates directly with KMP resources. Expanded capabilities include: multiple key support from KMP or filesystem and RSA + elliptical keys across multiple sizes.

Watch this short demo to see the Cosign Verifier in action. Or check out the documentation for more information.


Support for Multi-Tenancy in Kubernetes

Ratify now supports multi-tenancy, enabling organizations to share a single cluster among multiple teams by allowing users to define resources within a namespace scope.

This enhancement is seamlessly integrated, as users implicitly opt into multi-tenancy by applying namespace-specific resources such as NamespacedPolicy and NamespacedVerifier, without the need for an explicit feature flag.

Currenlty multi-tenancy supports the following resources: Referrer Store, Verifier, Policy and Key Management Provider, allowing these to be defined and managed within specific namespaces.

Additionally, cluster-wide resources can be set as defaults for namespaces that do not have specific resources defined, ensuring flexibility and efficient resource management across the organization.

Watch this step-by-step tutorial to see multi-tenancy in action. Or check out the documentation for more information.


Introduction of the Key Management Provider

In this release, we are introducing the KeyManagementProvider (KMP), a new resource designed to replace the existing CertificateStore.

A KMP represents keys and/or certificate that are consumed by a verifier. KMP contains various providers for different use cases, such as inline or cloud hosted key management solutions. Each provider is responsible for defining custom configuration and providing a set of public keys and/or x.509 certificates. Notation and Cosign verifiers can consume KMP resources to use during signature verification. Please refer to respective Notation and Cosign verifier documentation on how to consume KMP.

This new feature aims to streamline key and certificate management, enhancing the efficiency and security of your operations.

An invitation to contribute!

We are thrilled to share that Ratify is currently under review to be adopted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

This marks an exciting opportunity for Ratify to become an open and inclusive project, welcoming contributions from the entire community. We encourage you to get involved, whether you're a developer, tester, or user. Your input and contributions are invaluable to us.

Join us in shaping the future of Ratify by contributing to the project!