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Version: 1.3

Key Management Provider

NOTE: KeyManagementProvider replaces CertificateStore which is now DEPRECATED. See migration guide.

A KeyManagementProvider (KMP) represents key(s) and/or certificate(s) that are consumed by a verifier. KMP contains various providers for different use cases. Each provider is responsible for defining custom configuration and providing a set of public keys and/or x.509 certificates. Notation and Cosign verifiers can consume KMP resources to use during signature verification. Please refer to respective Notation and Cosign verifier documentation on how to consume KMP.

Table of Contents


Key Management Provider can be defined as cluster-wide resources(using the kind KeyManagementProvider) or namespaced resources(using the kind NamespacedKeyManagementProvider).

Utilization in Verifiers

The KeyManagementProvider serves primarily as a reference to key/certificate stores in Verifier CRs. Given that the Key Management Provider can exist either cluster-wide or within a namespace, users need to include the appropriate namespace prefix when referencing the KMP in Verifier CRs. To reference a namespaced KMP, the format should be namespace/kmp-name. Conversely, to reference a cluster-wide KMP, the format should simply be kmp-name.

In general, there are 2 valid use cases. One is a namespaced verifier references a namespaced KMP within the same namespace or a cluster-wide KMP. The other is a cluster-wide verifier references a cluster-wide KMP.


Scenario 1: A namespaced verifier referencing both namespaced KMP and cluster-wide KMP.

kind: NamespacedVerifier
name: verifier-notation
namespace: default
name: notation
artifactTypes: application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature
- default/ratify-notation-inline-cert-0
- ratify-notation-inline-cert-0
# skip irrelevant fields

Scenario 2: A cluster-wide verifier referencing cluster-wide KMP.

kind: Verifier
name: verifier-notation
name: notation
artifactTypes: application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature
- ratify-notation-inline-cert-0
# skip irrelevant fields

Configuration guidelines



A provider that can specify a single certificate or key. The content is expected to be defined inline in the resource configuration.

kind: KeyManagementProvider # NamespacedKeyManagementProvider has the same spec.
name: # a unique name
type: inline
contentType: # REQUIRED: [string] (key, certificate)
value: # REQUIRED: [string] value of content
error: # error message if the operation failed
issuccess: # boolean that indicate if operation was successful
lastfetchedtime: # timestamp of last attempted fetch operation
properties: # provider specific properties of the fetched certificates/keys. If the current fetch operation fails, this property displays the properties of last successfully cached certificate/key
NameRequiredDescriptionDefault Value
contentTypeyes'key' or 'certificate'. Describes content type""
valueyesstring content""


Azure Key Vault


kind: KeyManagementProvider
name: # a unique name
type: azurekeyvault
refreshInterval: # OPTIONAL: [string], time duration to refresh the certificates/keys. Disabled by default. Example: 1h, 30m, 1h30m. Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h"
vaultURI: # REQUIRED: [string], azure key vault URI
tenantID: # REQUIRED: [string], Azure tenant ID
clientID: # REQUIRED: [string], client ID of the identity to use to access key vault
certificates: # OPTIONAL: [list], certificates in key vault to fetch
- name: # REQUIRED: [string], certificate name
version: # OPTIONAL [string], version identifier
keys: # OPTIONAL: [list], keys in key vault to fetch
- name: # REQUIRED: [string], key name
version: # OPTIONAL [string], version identifier
NameRequiredDescriptionDefault Value
vaultURIyesAzure key vault URI""
tenantIDyesAzure tenant ID""
clientIDyesclient ID of the identity to use to access key vault""
certificatesnolist of certificates in key vault to fetch[]
certificates[*].nameyescertificate name (as shown in key vault)""
certificates[*].versionnoversion identifier (as shown in key vault). If not provided, latest version will be used.""
keysnolist of keys in key vault to fetch[]
keys[*].nameyeskey name (as shown in key vault)""
keys[*].versionnoversion identifier (as shown in key vault). If not provided, latest version will be used""



  • If a key/certificate is in disabled state, KMP resource creation will FAIL. Users must remove reference to a disabled Key/Certificate or re-enable in Azure Key Vault.

  • Ratify supports periodic refresh and polling of certificates/keys from Azure Key Vault. The refreshInterval field can be set to a time duration to refresh the certificates/keys. When no version of the certificate or key is specified, the latest version will be fetched and the resource will be updated. However, if a version is specified, the resource will be locked to that version and will not be updated.

  • If the refreshInterval is set, verification may fail if the artifact being verified is signed with an older version of the certificate/key even if the older version is still valid/enabled. This is because Ratify only uses the latest stored certificate/key for verification. However, support n-versions of certificates/keys is planned in future releases.

  • If keys are configured, the managed identity with clientID specified MUST be assigned the correct permissions to list, view, and download keys in the configured Key Vault.

  • Azure Key Vault Certificates are built on top of keys and secrets. When a certificate is created, an addressable key and secret are also created with the same name. Ratify requires secret permissions to retrieve the public certificates for the entire certificate chain. Please set private keys to Non-exportable at certificate creation time to avoid security risk. Learn more about non-exportable keys here

  • Certificate/Key MUST be in PEM format. PKCS12 format with nonexportable private keys can NOT be parsed due to limitation of Golang certificate library.

  • Refer to Azure Key Vault setup guide ratify-on-azure quick start.

Note: If you were unable to configure certificate policy, please consider specifying the public root certificate value inline using an inline key management provider to reduce risk of exposing a private key.


Get an overview of KMPs status:

kubectl get

Get specific status of each certificate/key fetched in a single KMP

kubectl get<INSERT KMP NAME>

Resource Create/Update

During KMP resource creation, the resource may successfully create even though the provider-specific schema is invalid.

For example:

  1. The contentType field is missing for the inline KMP.
  2. The vaultURI is missing in the Azure Key Vault KMP.

Please follow the steps here to confirm status of the KMP.

Migrating from CertificateStore to KMP

CertificateStore resource is deprecated starting in v1.2.0. Ratify will continue to support CertificateStore functionality until v2.0.0 at which time it will be removed.

All existing functionality available in CertificateStore is available in KeyManagementProvider.

Inline CertificateStore to Inline KMP


contentType is required and must be key OR certificate. This MUST be added when migrating.

Azure Key Vault CertificateStore to Azure Key Vault Key Management Provider

.parameters.certificates.parameters.certificates[] String content is now defined objects

Notation Verifier

Notation verifier's verificationCertStores array must be updated to reference the KeyManagementProvider resource name