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Version: 1.4


This page provides an overview of the design and configuration of Ratify for multi-tenancy support since v1.2.0.

Ratify supports multi-tenancy by sharing a cluster between multiple teams within an organization. See previous discussion on the multi-tenancy support for more details. Cluster admin MUST deploy a single Ratify within a specific namespace and use namespaces to isolate resources for different teams.

Table of Contents

Access Control

As we discussed during multi-tenancy designing, Ratify will offload access control on namespaced level to Kubernetes cluster. Admins can use ABAC or RBAC authorization to control access to resources in a namespace. The restricted resources include Custom Resources in Ratify and general resources in the cluster.

User Group

We defined 3 user groups in the multi-tenancy design: cluster admin, team admin, and team developer.

  1. Cluster admin has full control over the cluster and can manage all resources in the cluster.
  2. Team admin can manage resources in a namespace and assign permissions to team developers.
  3. Team developer can only access resources in a namespace and have limited permissions.

Note: This is just a general example of user groups. Users can define more user groups based on their requirements.

Custom Resources

Ratify provides a set of Custom Resources to define policies, verifiers, stores, and key management providers. Users can define these resources in namespaced level or cluster-wide scope. The access control to these resources is managed by the cluster admin.

For example, cluster admins are able to apply namespaced and cluster-wide CRs. Team admins have the capability to deploy namespaced CRs within their designated namespaces. Meanwhile, team devs are restricted to view CRs within their allocated namespaces.

In general, a cluster admin can assign different permissions to various user groups by applying appropriate roles and role bindings. For example, in the following setup, the cluster admin creates a team admin user responsible for managing deployments in the default namespace. The cluster admin assigns and binds roles to the team admin, enabling access to Namespaced CRs and pods within the default namespace. Simultaneously, the cluster admin retains access to all resources in the default namespace and cluster-scoped resources.

Kubernetes Resources

Users also need to restrict access to Kubernetes resources, such as workload objects. For example, a cluster admin should ensure that users can only access pods, deployments, and services within their assigned namespace and with the appropriate permissions.

Another example is that a team admin should be able to deploy within their own namespace but not in other namespaces. Similarly, a team developer might have permissions to view the deployment but not modify it.

Custom Resources

Ratify enables multi-tenancy support by allowing users to define resources in a namespace scope. This allows users to define policies, verifiers, stores, and key management providers in a namespace and have them apply only to that namespace. Additionally, users can define cluster-wide resources as defaults for namespaces that do not have a specific resource defined.

Below is a list of Custom Resources that support multi-tenancy.

CR TypeCluster-wide KindNamespaced Kind
Referrer StoreStoreNamespacedStore
Key Management ProviderKeyManagementProviderNamespacedKeyManagementProvider

Note1: CertificateStore resource is in DEPRECATED stage. If users want to move to multi-tenancy, please migrate to Key Management Provider by following provided guides.

Note2: In V2.0.0, we plan to rename cluster-wide resources to ClusterResource, e.g. ClusterVerifier, ClusterStore, ClusterPolicy and ClusterKeyManagementProvider, while renaming namespaced resources to Resource without prefix, e.g. Verifier, Store, Policy and KeyManagementProvider. This change will make the resource easier to understand and follow the conventions in Kubernetes community.

Multi-tenancy: Opt-In/Out

There is no explicit feature flag to enable or disable multi-tenancy in Ratify. Users implicitly opt-in to use multi-tenancy when applying namespace specific resources (NamespacedPolicy, NamespacedVerifier etc.).

Apply Namespaced Custom Resources

Users are supposed to use multi-tenancy by defining resources in a namespace scope or use cluster-wide resources as defaults. If users just want to enforce verification for the entire cluster, they should define resources in a cluster-wide scope.

Note: Certificate Store is in DEPRECATED stage which is not designed for multi-tenancy scenario. Please migrate to Key Management Provider by following provided guides.

Constraint Template

Prior to version 1.2.0, Ratify only supported external data request keys in artifact-url format. From version 1.2.0 onwards, Ratify continues to support artifact-url for backward compatibility. However, it's recommended to migrate to new constraint templates that use the [namespace]artifact-url format for data request keys. If you have already migrated to the new constraint template, no additional changes are required.


Old constraint template using artifact-url formats: default template

New constraint template using [namespace]artifact-url formats: multi-tenancy template


This is the first version we introduced multi-tenancy support in Ratify. There are some limitations that users should be aware of:

  1. Ratify requires users to define cluster-wide Store CRs to mutate the image. We already created an issue on Gatekeeper to support Ratify's user scenario. But the final plan would depend on GK's decision on this issue.
  2. Metrics isolation is not fully supported yet. Users are responsible for assigning correct permissions to those who need accsss to instrumenting platform. In an upcoming release, Ratify will introduce a namespace field for metrics, making filtering easier. We have an issue tracking this scenario and will be addressed in next release.


To set up multi-tenancy in Ratify, users need to follow the steps below:

Step 1: Install Minikube

In this tutorial, we take Minikube as an example, but feel free to choose your own Kubernetes Cluster.

curl -LO
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube && rm minikube-linux-amd64

Step 2: Create a new team admin user besides the existing minikube cluster admin user

Step 2.1: Create a client certificate

mkdir cert && cd cert
# Generate a key using OpenSSL
openssl genrsa -out team-admin.key 2048
# Generate a Client Sign Request
openssl req -new -key team-admin.key -out team-admin.csr -subj "/CN=team-admin/O=group1"
# Generate the certificate
openssl x509 -req -in team-admin.csr -CA ~/.minikube/ca.crt -CAkey ~/.minikube/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out team-admin.crt -days 500

Now we have the team-admin.key and team-admin.crt to create a user.

Step 2.2: Create a new user

# Set a user entry in kubeconfig
kubectl config set-credentials team-admin --client-certificate=team-admin.crt --client-key=team-admin.key
# Set a context entry in kubeconfig
kubectl config set-context team-admin-context --cluster=minikube --user=team-admin

Step 2.3: Grant access to the team admin user.

We would give access to manage pods and Ratify's CRs in the default namespace to the team admin user.

Create a role.yaml:

kind: Role
name: namespaced-admin-role
- apiGroups:
- "*"
- "pods"
- "*"
- apiGroups:
- namespacedstores
- create
- delete
- get
- list
- patch
- update
- watch
- apiGroups:
- namespacedstores/finalizers
- update
- apiGroups:
- namespacedstores/status
- get
- patch
- update
- apiGroups:
- namespacedverifiers
- create
- delete
- get
- list
- patch
- update
- watch
- apiGroups:
- namespacedverifiers/finalizers
- update
- apiGroups:
- namespacedverifiers/status
- get
- patch
- update
- apiGroups:
- namespacedkeymanagementproviders
- create
- delete
- get
- list
- patch
- update
- watch
- apiGroups:
- namespacedkeymanagementproviders/finalizers
- update
- apiGroups:
- namespacedkeymanagementproviders/status
- get
- patch
- update
- apiGroups:
- namespacedpolicies
- create
- delete
- get
- list
- patch
- update
- watch
- apiGroups:
- namespacedpolicies/finalizers
- update
- apiGroups:
- namespacedpolicies/status
- get
- patch
- update

Create a rolebinding.yaml:

kind: RoleBinding
name: namespaced-admin-role-binding
namespace: default
- kind: User
name: team-admin
kind: Role
name: namespaced-admin-role

Deploy both the role.yaml and rolebinding.yaml to k8s.

kubectl apply -f role.yaml
kubectl apply -f rolebinding.yaml

Recording: asciicast

Step 3: Install Gatekeeper and Ratify

Follow Step 1-2 in Manual Quick Start Steps to install Getekeeper and Ratify.

The above installation will install Ratify in the gatekeeper-system namespace. Note it applies cluster-wide custom resources.

Clone the Ratify repository so that we can use the sample resources directly.

git clone
cd ratify

Step 4: Deploy a constraint supporting multi-tenancy

kubectl apply -f ./library/multi-tenancy-validation/template.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./library/multi-tenancy-validation/samples/constraint.yaml

Note: the above constraint only validate workload objects in the default and new-namespace namespaces. Users can adjust the constraint to validate workload objects in other namespaces.

Create a new namespace:

kubectl create namespace new-namespace

Step 5: See Ratify in action with cluster-wide resources

Step 5.1: Deploy images as a cluster admin

  • Switch to context minikube:
kubectl config use-context minikube
  • Deploy an unsigned image, which should be denied by Ratify.
kubectl run demo --namespace default


Error from server (Forbidden): admission webhook "" denied the request: [ratify-constraint] Subject failed verification: [default]
  • Deploy a signed image in default namespace, which should be allowed by Ratify.
kubectl run demo --namespace default


pod/demo created
  • Deploy a signed image in new-namespace namespace, which should be allowed by Ratify as well.
kubectl run demo --namespace new-namespace


pod/demo created

Step 5.2: Deploy images as a team admin

  • Switch to team admin user.
kubectl config use-context team-admin-context
  • Deploy a signed image in default namespace, which should be allowed by Ratify.
kubectl run demo --namespace default


pod/demo created
  • Deploy a signed image in new-namespace namespace, which should be denied.
kubectl run demo --namespace new-namespace


Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "team-admin" cannot create resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "new-namespace"

Recording: asciicast

Step 6: Apply namespaced custom resources and delete cluster-wide resources

  • Switch to cluster admin user.
kubectl config use-context minikube
  • Delete cluster-wide Verifier, KeyManagementProvider and Policy:
kubectl delete verifier-notation
kubectl delete ratify-policy
kubectl delete ratify-notation-inline-cert-0
  • Switch to team admin user (cluster admin could apply namespaced resources as well)
kubectl config use-context team-admin-context
  • Apply namespaced Verifier, KeyManagementProvider and Policy:
kubectl apply -f ./config/samples/namespaced/policy/config_v1beta1_policy_rego.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./config/samples/namespaced/verifier/config_v1beta1_verifier_notation.yaml
sed 's/name: keymanagementprovider-inline/name: ratify-notation-inline-cert-0/' ./config/samples/namespaced/kmp/config_v1beta1_keymanagementprovider_inline.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Recording: asciicast

Step 7: See Ratify in action with namespaced resources

  • Ensure to switch to team admin user.
kubectl config use-context team-admin-context
  • Deploy an unsigned image, which should be denied by Ratify.
kubectl run demo --namespace default


Error from server (Forbidden): admission webhook "" denied the request: [ratify-constraint] Subject failed verification: [default]
  • Deploy a signed image in default namespace, which should be allowed by Ratify.
kubectl run demo --namespace default


pod/demo created
  • Deploy a signed image in new-namespace namespace, which should be denied.
kubectl run demo --namespace new-namespace


Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "team-admin" cannot create resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "new-namespace"

Recording: asciicast