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Version: 1.4


This page documents useful flags and options supported by Ratify

Environment variables

  • RATIFY_LOG_LEVEL: configure the log level. Valid options are
    • PANIC
    • FATAL
    • ERROR
    • INFO (default)
    • DEBUG
    • TRACE
  • RATIFY_CONFIG: change the default Ratify configuration directory. Defaults to ~/.ratify

Feature flags

Ratify may roll out new features behind feature flags, which are activated by setting the corresponding environment variable RATIFY_<FEATURE_NAME>=1. A value of 1 indicates the feature is active; any other value disables the flag. Feature flags prefixed with EXPERIMENTAL are NOT considered production grade and are by default turned off. They follow format of RATIFY_EXPERIMENTAL_<FEATURE_NAME>=1

  • RATIFY_EXPERIMENTAL_DYNAMIC_PLUGINS: (disabled) Enables Ratify to download plugins at runtime from an OCI registry by setting source on the plugin config

  • RATIFY_CERT_ROTATION: (disabled) Enables Ratify to rotate TLS certificates automatically when they are about to expire. See cert-controller for more details on the implementation. The cert-controller checks the validation of certificates every 12 hours, if the certificate is expiring in 90 days, cert-controller will generate a new certificate that is valid for 10 years. Notes: as this post pointed out, it may take Kubernetes 60-90 seconds to progagate changes to Secrets on the mounted volumes. If you provided invalid/expired certificates/keys during the service startup, it may take up to 90 seconds for the service to rotate the certificates and get to actual working state with mounted certs.

  • RATIFY_EXPERIMENTAL_HIGH_AVAILABILITY: (disabled) Enables high availability mode for ratify which uses a shared distributed cache. Dapr will be used as an external state store for caching. See this doc for more details.

Notes: the root CA certificate generated by cert-controller will have the Subject field like:

Subject: O = Ratify, CN = ratify.gatekeeper-system

and x509v3 extentions field like:

X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
X509v3 Key Usage: critical
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Certificate Sign

So if you want to generate your own root CA certificate, make sure it has the same Subject and x509v3 extensions fields.