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Version: 1.4

Rego Templates

Rego Policy is much more powerful than Config Poliy, but it's also more complex. To make it easier to write Rego Policy, we provide a few templates for common use cases.

Rego Policy Requirements

There are some special requirements on Rego policy used by Ratify. The package declaration MUST be package ratify.policy, and there MUST be a boolean variable valid declared. The variable valid MUST be set to true if the overall verification is successful, and false otherwise. The input is a Json object that contains the verification results of all reference artifacts.


Here is a sample of the input:

"verifierReports": [
"artifactType": "org.example.sbom.v0",
"subject": "",
"referenceDigest": "",
"verifierReports": [
"verifierName": "sbom",
"verifierType": "sbom-verifier",
"isSuccess": false,
"message": "error msg",
"extensions": {}
"verifierName": "schemavalidator",
"verifierType": "verifier-schemavalidator",
"isSuccess": true,
"message": "",
"extensions": {}
"nestedReports": [
"artifactType": "application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature",
"subject": "",
"referenceDigest": "",
"verifierReports": [
"verifierName": "notation",
"verifierType": "verifier-notation",
"isSuccess": true,
"message": "",
"extensions": {
"Issuer": "testIssuer",
"SN": "testSN"
"nestedReports": []

Example 1

Require all reference artifacts associated with subject image to be verify successfully. Check equivalent Config Policy

package ratify.policy
default valid := false
valid {
not failed_verify(input)
failed_verify(reports) {
[path, value] := walk(reports)
value == false
path[count(path) - 1] == "isSuccess"
failed_verify(reports) {
[path, value] := walk(reports)
path[count(path) - 1] == "verifierReports"
count(value) == 0

Example 2

Require at least one reference artifact of the same type to verify succesfully. (relaxes the default policy to 'any'). Check equivalent Config Policy

package ratify.policy
default valid := false
valid if {
not failed_verify(input)
failed_verify(reports) if {
newReports := {"nestedReports": reports.verifierReports}
has_subject_failed_verify(nestedReports) if {
[path, value] := walk(nestedReports)
not artifact_type_pass_verify(value)
path[count(path) - 1] == "nestedReports"
# at least one artifact of the same type passed verification
artifact_type_pass_verify(nestedReports) if {
count_artifact_type(nestedReports) == count_successful_artifact_type(nestedReports)
count_artifact_type(nestedReports) := number if {
artifact_types := {x |
some i
x := nestedReports[i].artifactType
number := count(artifact_types)
count_successful_artifact_type(nestedReports) := number if {
artifact_types := {x |
some i
x := nestedReports[i].artifactType
number := count(artifact_types)
# an artifact has at least one successful report
artifact_pass_verify(verifierReports) if {
verifierReports[_].isSuccess == true
# should be at least one verifier report that is successful
failed_verify(reports) if {
[path, value] := walk(reports)
path[count(path) - 1] == "verifierReports"
count(value) == 0

Example 3

I trust multiple identities, and need to find at least one valid signature signed by any identity.


  1. The artifact is only signed by Notation, there might be a few signatures attached to the artifact.
  2. Users has configured different Notation verfiers, and each verifier has a different identity.
package ratify.policy
default valid := false
valid {
not failed_verify(input)
# Fail the verification if no signatures are signed by trusted identity.
failed_verify(reports) {
not has_trusted_signature(reports.verifierReports)
# Fail the verification if no signatures are present.
failed_verify(reports) {
[path, value] := walk(reports)
path[count(path) - 1] == "verifierReports"
count(value) == 0
# There is a signature signed by trusted identity.
has_trusted_signature(reports) {
some report in reports
report.artifactType == "application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature"
pass_validation(reports) {
some report in reports
report.isSuccess == true